
About Us

CHROMA is a professional forum formed by a group of ethical HR professionals which strives to build Human Resource for inclusive growth. It was formed three years earlier with an aim of transforming its members as world class executives and to assist all organizations across country to inculcate the best HR practices to ensure cordial Industrial Relations. Ever since its formation in 2012 it has grown from size to size from Executive to Director HR in leading organizations and has been focusing on inculcating and sharing best practices in Industry to its members by bringing the best speakers of HR & IR veterans, Faculties from Premier institutions and Legal experts of repute.

CHROMA provides an excellent platform for networking of business leaders, HR and IR professionals, Academicians/colleges/universities and Government officers as the monthly meetings are the regular features. This forum feels pride to inform you that many of its members holding key HR positions in Manufacturing, Construction, Information Technology, ITES, BPO, Consulting, Media, Banking, of private sectors as well as public sector undertakings.

The objectives for which the CHROMA is established are:


    To advance professional people practices that enhance organizational performance.


    To Strengthen the Human Resources in the Country by drawing the attention of chief executives of different organizations, agencies and government departments to disseminate knowledge and skills among Human Resource professionals.


    Assisting organizations in designing and implementing Human Resources systems and act as a Problem Solver for any huddles related to Human Resources function.


    To provide its members with the opportunity of meeting and exchanging constructive ideas and information with others engaged in similar work and facing similar problems


    To attain objectives through education, research developments, surveys, seminars and similar forces of exchange of ideas and information among members of the Association.


    To conduct Social Welfare activities by CHROMA as an individual or in partnering with other social welfare organization.


    To develop and promote the Human Resources , Training and Development and Industrial Relations fields at the local level as well as to actively serve the community’s best interest through progressive human resource policies.


    To publish papers, journals and other publications and organize, promote and join with like- minded organization in furtherance of its objects and sponsor, conduct and participate in- group activities like conferences, seminars, workshop, lectures, etc


    To raise funds through subscription, advertisement, Sponsor, donation, subsidies, special campaigns and other methods and acquire such rights, privileges and assets and to do all such acts and things as may be incidental or consequential.


    To do such other acts as may be considered necessary and conductive for the general well-being of the members, our motive is to make CHROMA a National wide recognized HR Forum.